Mt Shasta Ski Park

Winter Sports

The Shasta Cascade Region offers year round recreation and the mountain country in the higher elevations experience a marvelous Winter Wonderland. The activities are endless for all ages, so suit up, grab your hot cocoa and head for the hills - the snow is waiting for you!

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A trip to the Sulfur Works is perhaps one of the best ways for newcomers to become acquainted with Lassen Volcanic National Park in the winter. The short route follows the easy grade of the Lassen Park Road through open terrain, allowing splendid views along the way.
Shasta County
39696 Hwy. 70
Quincy, CA 95971
This trail branches off the Gravel Range loop in an easterly direction, and ends at the Big Creek Trail.  Many visitors use this as an alternate route or shortcut back to the Staging Areas.
Plumas County
Showing results 31 to 32 of 32
Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association
1699 HWY 273, Anderson, CA 96007 | (P) 530-365-7500
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